Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Progressive Dinner

Relocating two possums and one raccoon didn't stop the midnight raids on the strawberry patch, now nearly decimated.
Down at the river, I found these beautiful  fresh freshwater clam shells.  My shoe is in the photo to show scale, not to show off my extra-cute shoelaces on my gardening shoes.

Apparently, the masked diner enjoyed clams on the half shell, eaten alfresco here at the elegant eatery on the Left Bank.

Nearby were these tracks, which I believe are precise directions to the dessert course up at the strawberry patch.  It's sort of like how bees do the dance to show the hive where the best yellow clover is to be found.

Sensing trouble heading my way, I once again wired the banana inside the suet cage inside the Havahart trap.  Not quite Bananes au Rhum, but irresistible, anyway.

This guy was given a complementary Missouri Mid-Continental breakfast of another banana before being escorted to join his cronies some miles away.  Perhaps they will find some wild strawberries in their new habitat.

I trust that I will soon lose my five-star Raccoon Restaurant Rating.  Anyway, they never left a tip.