Friday, January 15, 2016

The River in Winter

The Grand River is quite entertaining. This year, the banks changed from lots of sapling trees to lots of sand, due to the high water all summer.

Since I was down there the other day, the river apparently came up, froze along the edges and then went back down. It left these big slabs of broken ice. Okay, I admit it was too cold for me to check on it, being minus three degrees. The wind chill was minus fifteen, making me not really care what the river was doing.

This spot is the beaver slide, much steeper than it looks. Beau is not venturing down it. All that water left ripple marks everywhere, very pretty in a tropical beach sort of way, except for the ice.

This picture was taken on Wednesday. On Thursday, the temperature got up to 55, but another cold spell awaits on the weekend. Such is winter in the Midwest. I am grateful for these little warmish spells, when I am tempted to plant the garden. The only thing that is stopping me is the ground is frozen.