Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Dragonfly Squadron

Until recently, there were lots of Swallows flying around at the bridge. Since there aren't as many barns out in the country these days, I guess they should be renamed Bridge Swallows. Lately, it would appear that the Swallows have gone back to Capistrano.

Thus the Dusk Patrol had relocated the mosquito fighters to another area. But recent rains had ensured plenty of those pests to torment me when gardening. They were the tiny ones that utilize small but sharp syringes to take a sample of my blood. I did not wish to be a donor.

Fortunately, the valiant bi-wing Dragonflies for a while were still guarding the air. Squadrons of them relentlessly swooped, dived and maneuvered overhead. It was not possible for me to see them actually gobble up the mosquitoes but they did some tricky maneuvers. In flight, the little warriors looked like miniature helicopters.

They were seen briefly resting on the top tier of the garden, which I believe was their designated Aerodrome. I watched them do touch-and-goes.

Some days, a good stiff breeze kept the mosquitoes grounded. No doubt the Dragonflies were stood down and enjoyed very small beers at their favorite watering hole.

Usually, there were several dozen of that Twilight Squadron working the area. They took off from the Aerodrome for dogfights with the mosquito bombers (not RAF de Havilland Mosquitoes).

That made it possible for me and my pets to be outside.

To paraphrase Churchill,  Never have so few owed so much to so many.