Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lazy Sun

Part of me knows that it's the earth that is at fault. But while I wait for it to wobble around toward the Sun, it's easy to blame our star.

It seems that the Sun is merely indolent at this time of year, getting up late and then never reaching its full potential. Not as bad in the Midwest as it was in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the sun rose languidly at ten and set at two.

Case in point: the ditch across the road, a spot where the Sun don't shine, as they say. There is still snow there, despite some days that have been in the fifties. Sorry about the dullness of the image, but it's my view out the front windows. It's like the ice cap on Mars or ice on the moon. There are plenty of those shady spots that are still full of icy snow. The back of my house, on the north side, is one big slab of slippery stuff.

This is the time of year that my steep hills are most hazardous.  I have ordered some crimpons, but due to the Polar Vortex, they are out of stock.

Speaking of the Polar Vortex, Lissa and I must protest this alarming naming of ordinary winter fare. It did get rather cold here in December. It was minus twenty-one degrees. We had some colder weather in the 'eighties, but no one thought to give them scary names. A few days ago, the weather warmed a bit, but now we are in another cold snap. I've named this one the Extreme Polar Bear Vortex. I believe it was intense enough to actually sweep polar bears down all the way into northern Minnesota.

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