One of my favorite outdoor activities at this time of year is knitting on the chaise in the shade on the back deck. I stretch my legs out on the cushy comforter that I use for a pad, with a pillow at my back and iced coffee nearby. From that vantage point, overlooking the garden and lots of flowers, I take time to enjoy it all.
There is some possibility that the next two or three months may turn off really hot, so any moderate day now is precious. I noticed today that the NOAA weather radio only speaks of hot when the forecast is for the upper nineties. Personally, 95 is hot for me.
The trumpet vine, actually a nasty invasive weed everywhere else, is so pretty now. There is a hummingbird who sits atop a branch and guards his personal property. Sometimes, he dive bombs the field of bloom, which must make him dizzy with the repeated pendulum swings. He stops and sips nectar from the many orange blossoms.
Knitting on a sock, I listen for the birds that are still singing their hearts out. There are some wrens in the two houses that twitter practically non-stop. It's a cheery sound.One of the houses is down by the chicken coop. I get a big scolding from them when I go down there.
After years, I identified the sound of the yellow-billed cuckoo, which is not at all like what one would think. It sounds like chuck chuck chuck and then slower, same thing. They are very elusive, apparently with privacy issues.
The sky is filled with puffy clouds today, against the wild blue yonder.
Over in the garden, the corn has shot up with the recent rains. An enormous Cocozelle Zucchini has tropical-looking leaves and has already given me plenty of dinners. Last night, I had the first ripe tomato stir-fried with zucchini, fresh basil, onion and garlic, served over fettuccine and topped with mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses . I will dream of it in winter.
These are the days that gladden my heart, especially since we are under a heat advisory tomorrow. Sigh.