Thursday, July 6, 2017

In Love with Daylilies

What a happy time it is for me when the daylilies are in bloom! In the mornings, I wander from plant to plant, dead-heading yesterday's faded blooms and exclaiming over today's bouquets. Fabulous.

It's so easy to propagate them, it's easy to see why people wind up with daylily gardens.

All these gorgeous clear yellow blooms are from one plant I dug up, hacked apart mercilessly with a shovel and replanted years ago. I've bragged about them before. Were it not for special fencing, the cows would  have loved to gobble them up. Yesterday, I saw one calf with her tongue poking through in an effort to have just one taste. She almost succeeded, poor thing.

These beauties are in the front lily bed, fenced both from the cows and chickens. I'm so enraptured by daylilies, I almost want to join the American Homerocallis Society.

Tiger Lilies have been planted on the weedy hillside with orders to take over and advance steadily downhill..

These Ebb Tide daylilies are my biggest and brightest, but I love them all. My admiration knows no bounds.