Monday, May 15, 2017

Everything's Comin' Up Peonies

It's Showtime!

These peonies are special because I rescued them from bloom-less obscurity in shady locations. They are like Dog Pound neglected mutts that turn out to be prize-winning purebred show winners.
These ones out front grew surprisingly large. The the irises in the background, perfectly showy in their own right, are vainly trying to peek over them. Also, there is a favorite deep blue iris next to it that didn't even have the heart to bloom at all.  I have promised to move it to center stage elsewhere.

Here are some irises that have been given their own space. I love these nearly silver white enormous beauties with ruffled edges.

The cow fence peonies, just popping into bloom, are the May highlight of this almost-formal bed near the road. They had their own featured story in my blog last spring. All but the dark red one, Red Magic, were snatched from a dismal existence down by the outbuildings.

These enormous peonies are next to the cistern. I am currently painting the milk can blue for this season's petunia pot for the front porch. Peonies grow from nothing in early spring to three feet tall and five feet wide.

Blood-red splotches adorn these jumbo blooms on Festiva Maxima. The other white one is Shirley Temple, also fabulous. They like for me to brag about them, especially their exquisite fragrance.