These weather changes are hard to keep up with. Just the other day, when it was 72 degrees, the weather radio was still playing their old records, possibly 78's, advising us how to avoid frostbite.
My computer does have the radar image, which is good because I am not near any big city and have no TV reception.
Last evening, I was fixing my usual late dinner after dark when the weather radio announced that the tornado watch turned into a tornado warning. A tornado was reported to have touched down a little to the southeast. Time to put on a jacket and rubber boots, grab the flashlight and my purse and get down to the fruit cellar. It's always chilly down there, but the outside temperature had dropped 20 degrees rather swiftly.
Once there, I discovered my new cell phone, purchased for such an eventuality, refused to work without me giving them more money. I had it set up to automatically deduct from my Visa, so don't know what that was all about. The idea behind the cell phone was if my manufactured home became airborne and landed on the cellar exit, I would have a way to reach someone to come get it off me.
Outside, there was lightning, thunder, heavy rain and hail. The wind continued to howl. I regretted that I didn't bring a book to read, having finished the four mysteries I got from the library recently.
It's moments like that that I really think I should do something to make the place more pleasant. Perhaps some posters of sunny island paradises would help. I did tear out the sagging plywood shelves years ago. The problem is the cellar is rather damp in the tornado season, hence the boots. Soft furnishings were definitely not the answer. The stored rain barrels did add a touch of much-needed color. Indirect lighting was provided by my trusty LED lantern.
The jugs are old kitty litter containers full of rainwater for the plants. Once I got the cistern pump, I forgot about using them.
Before long, the peepers in the pond could once again be heard as the storm moved off. I returned to have my dinner.
Snow is forecast for the weekend.