Arriving in the pet carrier, the six chicks are now running around in the coop. They are a challenge to photograph, they move so quickly.
They worked as a team to bite the few weeds peeking through the opening left by the extension cord. The coop is constructed of metal siding, with a metal door. Hence, Fort Flocks. Nothing bigger than a half inch can get in, but I still worry about them.
Ellie and Nellie come up to my hand and let me pet them and pick them up. The others are far too busy scratching excitedly in hopes of finding some tiny treasures they can gobble up. The Rhode Island Reds streak across the straw as I sit on a cinder block watching their antics.
At night, they burrow into the fresh straw near the hanging heat lamp, oblivious of the hysterical yipping outside. The coyotes are out carrying on under the full moon. .