Monday, August 29, 2016
Chicken Delivery
Lissa brought the new babies. She couldn't resist a couple more than I ordered. We wanted a rooster to look after the hens, so got a straight run Buff Orphington. Also arriving in a little box were two Barred Rocks, two Rhode Island Red and one Americana pullets.
We had a fun time taming them down. They were only hatched two days ago and needed mothering. It was such fun to have them fall asleep in our hands. The day was plenty warm for them to be out on the deck. They will stay in the cardboard box in the workshop or outside, with a cat-proof old fan screen on top, until they are big enough to move into the coop. Now, they could walk right through the chain link fence.
If a person is the type to get all giggly cuddling chicks, they just have to admit it.
They seemed to grow before our eyes, especially their little wing feathers. They knew how to scratch for food right away, getting right down to business.
These little peeps seem so tiny and fragile that I spend lots of time checking the warmth in their box. After sunset, they have a heat lamp on a chain so I can adjust the height every hour. They only need a 100-watt bulb on these warm late summer nights.
I called Lis to report that they survived the first night in my care. She requested I take their pics daily so she can watch their amazing progress.
Here's the day two photo of adorable Lucy, the redhead, in a pensive mood.
new chicks