Molly loves learning new things. This time, it was how to knit socks. Even knitting is better outside. With the help of a YouTube video, she learned how to make an afterthought heel.
We do the same things, even work the same puzzles, but it's always fun for us both. She will be back for another week in August. Grammie was even motivated to blaze a trail to the river on the ride-on mower.
The river was above Clam Beach, but convenient seating was provided by some limbs left by the recent high water.
Beau felt we spent entirely too much time sitting and enjoying the peaceful river. He went off on adventures and occasionally checked to see if we were okay.
We feasted on veggies from the garden. There were turnips, carrots, broccoli and cabbage. We love them all. I'm sure if people could sample fresh veggies they would find them much tastier than the ones that are bred to ship.
There was Sun Oven bread to bake and eat. Molly made pancakes for our breakfast. She mastered cooking when she was nine and had a little baking business. Being extremely smart, she learns new things in a flash.
There was a failed cardigan that I unraveled, leaving lots of kinky yarn. We built a gizmo to hold the yarns, then washed them. Another YouTube video to the rescue.
After that, we hung the wet skeins out on the porch, where they dripped and dried in the sun. Wet wool is better outside, too, so the air isn't redolent of damp sheep in the house.
We have lots of fun talking and doing astronomy with our telescopes. We checked out Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and some nice fuzzballs, the globular clusters.
Staying up late isn't a problem for Grammie, who doesn't have to do anything tiresome in the mornings, like go to a job.