Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bats and Beehives

The extra cold weather caused the Little Brown Bats in the fruit cellar to move south without leaving a forwarding address. Not even a postcard from them.

Meanwhile, the hive bodies are going together in the warm house. This will be a single beehive, with plenty of room upstairs and downstairs for a large colony of bees.

Although I wear ear protectors as I pound in nails, the cats and dog are napping nearby, oblivious of the noise. They are in whatever room I am in, due to my enormous personal magnetism.

At the beginning beekeepers' meeting I attended, Beekeeping for Dummies was recommended. Since it's been so long since I kept bees, I'm finding the information quite useful. My bee smoker has arrived and the bee suit, veil and gloves are on the way. One of  the veteran beekeepers said he usually was stung thirty times while working with the bees. I, on the other hand, am a woman and don't have to be so brave or foolhardy.

As soon as I complete the two shallow honey supers, the hive exteriors will be primed for painting. I'm already primed for the bee experience.

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