Flies and ladybug lookalikes hang around on the exterior of my house at times in the fall and spring. They're out there now. What do they want? Is it because my house is white that they are attracted to it? Maybe it looks like a big vanilla ice cream cone to their bizarre eyes, or a big cake.
There are acres of cow pies in the nearby fields, a more appropriate landing spot for a fly, surely.
I cannot get out the doors without letting a bunch inside. Then they buzz against the windows. Have they come inside to eavesdrop?
In the evenings, they are attracted to the lamps. Seeming to be on their last legs, they are literally dropping like flies. Reading a book is fraught with the possibility of one falling down my neck in its death throes.
Rice Peel Off
In the kitchen, my appetite was spoiled by a fly doing a spiral dive into the pan of rice as I was spooning some onto my plate. I could almost hear its little engine whine and sputter out.
Until the situation clears up, I daren't make raisin bread.
There are so many of them that I can suck them up with the vacuum hose when they are on the windows. Surely they cannot get out of the sweeper, but the next day there are an equal number to get rid of.
Surrounded and feeling like I'm being held hostage in my own home, I had an idea. I believe I'll call the Governor to send in a special SWAT team.